Inspection Reports
The following links allow you to see the latest announced and unannounced inspection reports undertaken by the Social Care & Social Work Inspection Scotland and gives you an up-to-date assessment of the standards and services provided by Abercorn Care Limited. The 4th link is to the SCSWIS web site where you can gain access to inspection reports from other establishments and see the standards applied to care homes.
I would encourage you to compare our reports with other care homes to gain an appreciation for the quality and professionalism of the Home, my staff and the service we provide. If you have any question or would like to discuss a specific point please feel free to do so either by contacting us direct at or use our Contact Us page on the website.
Office of Fair Trading Recommendation 12. That care home regulators should produce an easy-to-understand document that provides practical information to all older people living in care homes and their representatives about the redress avenues open to them. This should include information about when and how they can complain to the care home, the Authority, the regulator, the local Government Ombudsman and the Parliamentary Ombudsman, or seek judicial review. Regulators should provide care homes with this information and monitor that homes include it as an annexe to the older person’s contract or statement of terms and signpost it in suitable places in the care home. Department of Health and the devolved administrations should amend the relevant regulations to include this requirement.