Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is the Nursing Home Registered?
A. Yes, the Home is registered with the Social Care & Social Work Inspection Scotland (SCSWIS), more commonly know as the Care Inspectorate.
Q. Can we see any formal documentation as to the Home and Nursing standards?
A. Yes, the Home’s SCSWIS Inspection Reports can be found on display both at the Care Home and on the Home’s specific web site under the Report’s page.
Q. What happens before I come into the Home?
A. Prior to admission, the Care Home Manager, or a senior member of the care staff, will make an appointment to visit you at home or in hospital. This allows us to carry out an assessment of your care needs. Although you may need some help in caring for yourself, we hope you will continue to undertake those daily tasks you are currently able to do. Your ‘Named Nurse/Carer’, will be professionally qualified, and will help to plan a programme of individual care to ensure you get the help you need whilst maintaining your independence and those skills and activities you are still able to do.
Q. Can I have a lie in if I feel like it?
A. Of course you can. You can simply request breakfast at a later time.
Q. Will I have a Care Plan?
A. A ‘Care Plan’ will be tailored to meet your individual needs. You will be directly involved with this process, if you wish, or you can be represented by a family member or friend. It will be reviewed on a regular basis. A copy of the ‘Care Plan’ can be obtained from your ‘Named Nurse/Carer’ as required.
Q. Can my family and grandchildren visit me?
A. Yes, most residents in our Homes remain in close touch with their family. We think this is very important, and as well as calling to see you, we would like them to become involved in the life of the Home. Visitors, including, children and grandchildren are most welcome in the Home at any time.
Q. Can I bring my own items of furniture?
A. Yes, as long as the items are able to fit practically within your bedroom and meet the fire safety regulations.
Q. What if I need to see a Dentist or the Optician?
A. We have a visiting Dentists, Opticians, Chiropodists, Speech Therapists and Physiotherapists who will call whenever needed.
Q. What would happen if any of Abercorn Care Limited’s Homes were to close?
A. In the unlikely event of this happening, we would inform the Care Inspectorate and the Local Government’s Social Work Department would be fully involved to arrange alternative accommodation. Residents and their families or advocates would be kept fully informed and involved at all stages of this process.
Q. Can I have or keep a pet in the Home?
A. No, unfortunately it is impracticable if everyone were to have pets. However, the Home has no difficulty with pets being brought into visit and indeed we do have some animals who visit on a routine basis.
Q. What is the continuity and level of staffing like in the Homes?
A. We are very fortunate that, in the main, our staff have remained loyal and committed to our small Company and have therefore remained in continuous service for some time. It is worth noting that staffing levels are always set to ensure that staff have sufficient time to care for the Residents’ needs and to interact with them.
Q. What arrangements, if any, are made to cater for religious involvement?
A. All Abercorn Care Limited’s Homes accept and respect all religious denominations. We have links to most of the local Church and religious organisations and your own Minister or Priest is welcome to visit you at any time. Families or friends are welcome to take you to organised services. We also have a monthly communion service, held in the one of the Homes which residents can be taken to.
Q. Who will look after my medicines?
A. All medicines, prescribed by a Doctor, are stored in secured medicine cabinets and are dispensed at the prescribed times by the Registered Nurse/Carer on duty. However, should you prefer, and are able to look after your own medicines, this can be arranged.
Q. Does the Home have a formal contract which clearly defines the service that will be provided and states the terms and conditions of Residency?
Q. Do you accept residents who suffer from Dementia?
A. Yes. Some Residents, within all of the Company’s Homes, have some form of dementia and our staff has the requisite training and skills to care for them.
Q. I still wish to look at other care homes before deciding. Can you tell me how to find other homes?
A. Yes, you can go to the Care Inspectorates website to search for homes within Scotland and to see their inspection reports and grading.
Q. What is an ‘Advanced Directive’ and do I need one?
A. Advance directives (also known as Living Wills) allow you to outline the treatment and care you would like in the future, when you may not be able to communicate your wishes. It is your choice to have one. You can set up an advance directive through a solicitor, or you can fill in a prepared form. Our Company staff will be there to assist you.
We would recommend that you involve your doctor in writing your ‘Advance Directive’ as he will be able help you go through the issues involved. Also, speak to your family and close friends about your advance directive. Involving them will help them understand your wishes. An advance directive should be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains up to date.